The Center for Ancient Studies 2022 Graduate Conference
Borders and Boundaries in the Ancient World
April 29-30, 2022
Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
April 29, 2022
Keynote: 6:00-7:00pm, Rainey Auditorium
Transgressing, Transforming, and Transcending Boundaries: People, Traditions, and Sacred Space in the Borderlands of Nubia
Dr. Solange Ashby (UCLA)
April 30, 2022
Panels: 9:00am-5:15pm, Widener Lecture Hall
Panel 1: Sanctuaries and Religion (9:00-10:45)
Respondent: David Mulder
Shannon M. Dunn (Bryn Mawr College): "Landscape, Conflict, Myth, and Cult Practice in Border Areas of the Peloponnese: A Case Study.
Camilla Raymond (University of Denver): "Ideo-Geographic Boundaries in the Damascus Document: A Paradigm of Migration for Qumran Religious Sectarianism.
Agiil Gopee (Harvard) "Becoming Borderlands: The Dialectic Between Divinity, Sanctuary, and City in Palmyra
Kalyani Madhura Ramachandran (Columbia): "Defining the Art of the Buddhist Deccan (1st-4th Century CE)'
15 Min. Break
Panel 2: Authorial Interventions (11:00-12:45)
Respondent: Kyle West
Jorge A. Wong (Harvard): "Across the Water: lonic Influence on Lesbian Lyric.
Jeremy Steinberg (Penn): "Cultural Liminality and Legitimate Historiography According to Josephus and Plutarch
Aditi Rao (Princeton): "The Middled East: Meditations and Mediations at the Border of Megasthenes' Indica
Nathaniel Solley (Penn): "Intra naturae finis? Ecology, Philosophy, and Boundaries in Horace Sermones 1.1
Lunch (12:45-1:30)
Panel 3: The Life Cycle (1:30-3:15)
Respondent: Cianna Jackson
Jamie K. Wheeler (Princeton): "Virtutes, ex diversis aetatibus sumptas' Untimeliness as an Intensifier of Meaning in Pliny the Younger's "Letters."
Tyler Archer (Princeton): "The Liminal Electra of Euripides.
Kathryn Roberto (CULTRA A.C.): 'Trocchi Necropolis: Where Cultures Converged.
Divya Nair, (Penn) "Body to Body: Ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Hindu Thought on the Reincarnation Principle.
30 Min. Coffee Break
Panel 4: Political and Class Boundaries (3:45-5:15)
Respondent: Helen Wong
Mark Van Horn (Penn): "Boundaries Real and Imagined: The Economic Integration of Roman Peasants in Southern Tuscany.'
Emily Salamanca (Princeton): "Pruning the People: Ostracism, Exile, and the Protection of the Political Space in Ancient Athens and Rome
Emmanouela Schoinoplokaki (UC Santa Barbara): "The First Refugees in Attic Tragedy: Aeschylus' Suppliant Women.