Student Health and Counseling (formerly SHS and CAPS) is the primary care and psychological care division of Wellness at Penn. Penn’s state-of-the-art medical and counseling centers are designed to provide high-quality, compassionate care for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students during their academic journey.
HELP LINE: One call to the HELP LINE can assist students in finding personal and mental health support, 215-898-HELP.
Division of Public Safety (DPS) delivers a comprehensive and integrated safety and security program in partnership with the Penn and University City community they serve.
Students should be aware of Sexual Misconduct Policy, Resource Offices and Complaint Procedures. Penn Violence Prevention provides support and information about options for reporting sexual misconduct.
Penn's Family Resource Center provides information, programs, and resources for students and post-docs with children. The Family Center provides a space for student parents to connect and develop supportive networks and offers a welcoming and family-friendly environment for Penn students, post-docs, caregivers, and children.
Office of Student Disabilities Services
The Weingarten Center provides services for students who self-identify with a disability in order to ensure equal access to all University programs, activities, and services. The process begins when a student requests an accommodation, provides documentation of their condition, and meets with a Disability Specialist. Students who receive accommodations work with the Disability Services staff to coordinate their academic accommodations as well as accessible housing, dining, communication, and technology. Through ongoing collaboration with the Weingarten Center, students learn to identify and utilize individualized accommodations and strategies that support their full participation in university life.