Work/Life: Institutions, Subjectivities, and Human Resources in the Roman World
An International Workshop
Co-Organizers: Del A. Maticic (NYU) and Jordan Rogers (Penn)
All sessions will be conducted on Zoom. Each session will be 75 minutes, with two 20-30 minute talks and the rest of the time devoted to discussion. If you would like to sign up to receive announcements about the series, including links to the Zoom calls, please email jroge@sas.upenn.edu. This workshop is sponsored by the NYU Center for Ancient Studies and the University of Pennsylvania Center for Ancient Studies.
Session I
Monday, October 26, 5:00pm EDT
“The Politics of Pesto: Making Metaphor Work (Moretum)”
Tom Geue, Lecturer in Latin, University of St. Andrews
“Despotics: The Subjection of Workers in the Ancient Agronomists”
Joseph Howley, Associate Professor of Classics, Columbia University
Session II
Monday, November 16, 10:00am EST
“Omnes in sordida arte versantur: Judgments of and by Merchants in the Roman World”
Jane Sancinito, Assistant Professor of History, University of Massachusetts Lowell
“Can a Slave Do the Job? Work and High-Level Slaves in Roman Law and Literature”
Nicole Giannella, Assistant Professor of Classics, Cornell University
Confirmed Speakers for Spring 2021
Talks will be scheduled by January.
John Bodel
Claire Holleran
Marco Formisano
Ann Kuttner
Astrid Van Oyen
Rebecca Sausville