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3/3 Renata Holod (Penn): "Uses of the Past: From the Pyramids to Taq-i-Bostan"

Tuesday, 3 March 2020 - 12:00 PM
Penn Museum L1, University of Pennsylvania
Sponsored by: The Center for Ancient Studies

Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, the past in the shape of monuments and ruins of them exists in the landscape throughout.  Ignored or glorified, these sites either became re-inscribed into later art and architecture, and literature of the ruling political and economic elites, or were relegated to the care of significant minorities, or had their elements reused in younger buildings.  They also became part of a tourist circuit, and more recently victims of wanton destruction.  This study will discuss the fate of significant earlier buildings and sites, and their uses (and misuses) through time up to the present day.