Saturday, 19 November 2022 and Sunday, 20 November - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania
Join us for the opening weekend of the new installation of our Eastern Mediterranean Gallery. There will be two days of celebration, November 19 and 20, from 10 am to 4 pm. The opening weekend will feature many activities, including presentations, workshops, and performances. Visitors can learn more about the region by hearing short pop-up talks from Museum curators, keepers and other experts. Families can enjoy hands-on activities, such as making your own cylinder seals, or creating a votive offering to celebrate family traditions. Try a scavenger hunt through the gallery to earn prizes. Come celebrate our new gallery with activities for all ages!
Buy tickets for Saturday here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.penn.museum/tickets/day/?t=2022-11-19__;!!IBzWLUs!S_W1aDThiMnvOzUgqCkYRBFd6Yne6GOdGRDUBPK5qn-ajYlHfisa9CcECsIJ9kkiUvRK-3ViR3niDj3-xXRsVKilTsI7$
Buy tickets for Sunday here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.penn.museum/tickets/day/?t=2022-11-20__;!!IBzWLUs!S_W1aDThiMnvOzUgqCkYRBFd6Yne6GOdGRDUBPK5qn-ajYlHfisa9CcECsIJ9kkiUvRK-3ViR3niDj3-xXRsVC_BMVGT$