Penn Public Lecture: Elena Isayev (University of Exeter) Non-Return and Non-Arrival: Interdependence through Exclusion, Captivity and Incomplete Restitution (with a brief response from Kim Bowes, Classical Studies))
Widener Lecture Hall at the Penn Museum, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 and also via Zoom.
Register below for tickets or the Zoom link.
Lecture Series:
The Penn Public Lectures on Classical Antiquity and the Contemporary World
People Out of Place: Mediating Sovereignty and Power, Past and Present
Speaker: Elena Isayev, Professor of Ancient History and Place, University of Exeter
Lecture 3: Non-Return and Non-Arrival
Interdependence through Exclusion, Captivity and Incomplete Restitution (with a brief response from Kim Bowes, Classical Studies)
All are invited to toast the speaker at a reception immediately after the talk.
The series is supported by the Arete foundation in honor of Edward E. Cohen.