Thursday, September 17, 4:30 - 6:00 pm (EST)
Department of Classical Studies, Colloqium
In July the Penn Classics department held an online meeting in conjunction with the EOS/Africana reception reading group. That workshop focused on Franz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth and Margot Hendrick’s “Coloring the Past, Rewriting Our Future: RaceB4Race” (2019). A nationwide workshop is scheduled for Friday, October 16th. On September 17 we will hold a second iteration of the Penn workshop, once again exploring strategies for addressing systemic racism in the field of Classical Studies and in our classrooms.
Click here for the Fanon readings. (Penn login credentials required.)
Click here for an excerpt from Bhabha. (Penn login credentials required.)
Registration is required for Penn CLST colloquia this semester.
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