Wednesday, April 14
Workshop Series Work/Life: Subjectivities, Institutions, and Human Resources in the Roman World
Second Spring Session:
Astrid Van Oyen (Cornell): When Work is (or isn’t) Life: a Blacksmith, a Workshop, and a Fire at Marzuolo (Italy)
Rebecca Sausville (NYU): The Perks of Lettered Labor in Roman Asia Minor
"Work/Life: Subjectivities, Institutions, and Human Resources in the Roman World" is co-organized by Del A. Maticic (NYU) and Jordan Rogers (University of Pennsylvania) and sponsored by the NYU Department of Classics, the Center for Ancient Studies, and the University of Pennsylvania Ancient History Program.
All sessions will be conducted on Zoom. Each session will be 75 minutes, with two 20-25 minute talks and the rest of the time devoted to discussion. If you would like to sign up to receive announcements about the series, including links to the Zoom calls, please email: jroge@sas.upenn.edu.
The next session in the series will take place on Wednesday, April 28 at 11:00am.