Wednesday, March 22
12:00 pm
The Penn Museum is pleased to partner with the Katz Center for this series of talks exploring the archaeology of the ancient Jewish world. From Babylonia to Jerusalem and back again, three speakers look at particular sets of objects and sites, contextualizing them and asking what they can tell us about the Jewish cultures that produced them.
The Aramaic Incantation Bowls were first discovered in the nineteenth century in archaeological digs led by the Penn Museum. Yet these fascinating objects are only now radically altering scholarly understandings of Babylonian Jewish society, interreligious contact and exchange in late antique Iraq, and the rising prominence of rabbis.
This is a virtual lecture and free to registered guests. Please register here: https://upenn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lAHx4WtfQguuOlLOgoGgNw