Saturday, 29 February 2020 - 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Penn Museum Widener Lecture Hall, University of Pennsylvania
Conference Schedule, Saturday, February 29th:
8:00-8:50 Breakfast and Registration
Penn Museum Widener Lecture Hall, University of Pennsylvania
Conference Schedule, Saturday, February 29th:
8:00-8:50 Breakfast and Registration
8:50-9:00 Opening Remarks (Petra Creamer)
Panel 1: Travel Chair: Autumn Melby
9:00-9:20 “The Original I-95: The Delaware River, Trails, and Movement through Lenapehoking” Justin Reamer
9:20-9:40 “The Amarna Messengers on the Road” Ziting (Rebecca) Wang
9:40-10:00 “The Egyptian Road Less Taken: Mapping the Least Cost Paths from Coptos to the Red Sea Coast” Morgan Moroney
10:00-10:20 “The Origin and Influence of Tang Dynasty Buddhist sculptures around Chengdu” Jingyi Zhou
10:20-10:40 “Divided Collections in Motion between the United States and Iran” Kyle Olson
10:40-10:50 Discussant: Autumn Melby
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break
Panel 2: Space Chair: Chelsea Cohen
11:20-11:40 “Moving Theōriā: Embodying Separation from and Access to Divine Knowledge at Didyma” Nathan Leach
11:40-12:00 “The Footsteps of the Romans: An Examination of the Low Ham Mosaic through the Lens of Narrative Art” Nicole Vellidis
12:00-12:20 “Building Community through Movement: Experiences of Architecture in Jerash” Amy Miranda
12:20-12:40 “Sacred Channels: Mediating Ritual Movement in the Passage of the Theōroi at Thasos” Mary Danisi
12:40-12:50 Discussant: Chelsea Cohen
12:50-1:40 Lunch (please email petrac@sas.upenn.edu if you would like lunch provided)
Panel 3: Migration Chair: Mark Van Horn
1:40-2:00 “Ancient Near Eastern Cultures of Mobility: A New Mobilities Paradigm Perspective” Eric Trinka
2:00-2:20 “Frustrated Movements and Mobility Inequalities in Mid-Republican Rome” Jordan Rogers
2:20-2:40 “The Family Stone: Extractive Operations, Human Mobility, and Family Migration in the Roman Empire” Melissa Ludke
2:40-3:00 “Residential In-Migration at Teotihuacan, Mexico: A Comparison of Mobility Patterns between Socioeconomic Status Groups” Gina Buckley
3:00-3:20 “Genes of Migration: Applications of aDNA to Migration Studies” Rachel Dickerson
3:20-3:30 Discussant: Mark Van Horn
3:30-4:00 Coffee Break
Panel 4: Representation Chair: Kyle West
4:00-4:20 “Movement, Social Location, and Identity Distinction: Benjaminite Migration in the Hebrew Bible” Jonathan Schmidt-Swartz
4:20-4:40 “I Made the Road a River: Roads and Rivers as Symbols of Civilization in Egyptian and Assyrian Royal Ideology and the Book of Isaiah” James Duguid
4:40-5:00 “Moving through a Microcosm: Imagined Journeys in the Mosaics of Piazza Armerina” Emily French
5:00-5:20 “The Building Network: Mapping the Spread of Ideas Through the Theaters of Roman Gaul” John Sigmier
5:20-5:40 “Adventurous Buddhist Pilgrims: Biographies of 7th-century Chinese monks losing their lives on pilgrimages to India” Shuheng (Diana) Zhang
5:40-5:50 Discussant: Kyle West
5:50-6:00 Closing Remarks (Petra Creamer)